• One of our best quality is to satisfy our customers with fast delivery. We always try to but not obliged to deliver less than our estimated delivery time or delivery time within confirmation agreement.
  • On our site, there are estimated delivery period. Normally start from 1hr up to 6hr within Kigali. In case of outside of Kigali, it may take up to 48hours in working day except Sunday.
  • Delivery time may vary based on nature, location, size of goods or services ordered.
  • Delivery may be late due to risk beyond our control, for this reason, we will update you with possible delivery time, and if you are not satisfied, you may cancel the order. For more about reasons for cancelling an order or call support hotline
  • Since late delivery is caused by different factors, we are not liable for any costs, damages, liabilities, expenses or any other effects due to late delivery.
  • If you refuse to accept delivery at time when it is ready due to your fail timely cancelling an order, you provide in appropriate details or invalid information that result to delay your delivery, and other faults resulted from action that leads to late delivery and you will bear all risks and you will indemnify us with all total cost spent on that order.
  • Once you receive your delivery with one of our riders (person who bring delivery) will show him confirmation agreement you have by email or by SMS and you will sign for him delivery note.
  • You will bear alone all risks resulting from poor keeping or management of delivery after you receive it.
  • In case of bad quality delivered like damaged or expired products, you have the right to return it and claim for direct substitute quality products or claim your refund (you get your refund when your order cancelled or meet with any return policy).. For more about return policy, visit the link: return policy link.